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Mapped Notes
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The notes are a detailed, comprehensive collection of written learning resources for use in the delivery of the module. Think of the notes like a textbook, they are a reference document for the trainer and students and result in the ability for the trainer to select different components to suit the trainer’s delivery approach.  The notes also contain components such as activities, group discussions, case studies and several other resources such as templates, checklists and plans.

The notes have been written following industry direction and are designed to follow the natural rollout of tasks on the worksite, however, they are also fully mapped against the units of competency. This means that the trainer can easily and efficiently select the parts that they need when the trainer requires.

Mapped Notes  

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Mapping icon orange circle.png

Mapped against ASQA Training packages 

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Plans icon orange cirle.png

Written based on current and future industry required skills

VR Scenaios
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VR Scenarios

There are two types of Virtual Reality (VR) used as learning tools in some of the modules, these are Immersive VR and Interactive VR.

The Immersive VR Experience is where the student will be seated and immersed into a 360 environment through a pair of goggles. The experience will last between 5-15 minutes. The student is introduced to key learning outcomes through multiple learning-based scenarios, this type of VR will typically be introduced earlier in the course delivery. This learning approach leads to higher engagement for the learner, increased learning speed and information retention, which in turn results in positive learning outcomes.

The Interactive VR Experience involves the student’s participation in a room scale VR, that will require them to stand in a 2.5m x 2.5m space with the VR goggles and controllers. They will be able to move around a worksite, physically pick up objects and interact with virtual workers.  The purpose of this stage is to reflect on learnings from theory-based training and then test their skills in a safe environment without risk or fear of failure.

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Telemetry final orange circle.png
Discussion 2 icon orange circle.png

Immersive VR Experience 

Interactive VR Experience 

High Risk Low Frequency 




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Interactive VR requires a minimum MSI GeForce RTX 2080 to run the HTC Vive 

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Immersive VR scenarios are experienced through Oculus Go 

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Each module is supported by assessment tools which have been written to comply with the requirements of the units of competency and with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

The assessment tools come in two styles: case-studies and simulated practical activities.

The case-studies are theoretical assessments, designed to assess underpinning knowledge from the units of competency. The case-studies are all based on real scenarios and are supported by realistic documentation; however, students will generally be required to describe the process or reason for completing workplace tasks rather than being asked to complete the tasks themselves.

The simulated practical activities are designed to give the student the opportunity to execute the skills they have developed through their training. Implementing these tasks will require the establishment of a simulated workplace and will require the student to use realistic policies, procedures and workplace documents, to interact with others and to meet realistic time and quality standards.

It should be noted that all practical assessments for the modules are written to be carried out in a simulated training construction site.   All assessment is supported by thorough mapping against the training package, the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence.

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Marking Guide orange circle.png

Case Studies

Simulated Practical Activities

Mapped against ASQA Training Packages 

Marking Guide

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The purpose of the XBook is to provide an engaging reading experience for students. The XBook is delivered as an LMS learning package that is easily loaded onto all LMS programs, including Canvas, Moodle and Blackboard.

The XBook is an abridged version of the full set of notes. The XBook goes beyond a traditional set of notes by presenting key learning outcomes in an electronic environment with multiple interactive elements including 360° images, widgets, cartoons, video and animations to enhance the learning experience and retention of information.

Features include the ability to search, highlight, bookmark and make notes which are saved and easily accessed every time opened. The XBook provides the opportunity to expand and explore the way which students interact with information.

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Ability to annotate & high light 

Viewable Plans

Mapped against ASQA Training packages 

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The purpose of the quizzes is to help students remember what they have learnt through repetition, motivate them to retain the knowledge and works as an indicator to the trainer that the student understands the material. Our online quizzes are attached to the XBook LMS learning package and will gather, grade and provide feedback to both the student and the trainer instantaneously. This report will provide the trainer with insight on what areas are more difficult for students to understand and will therefore require more explanation or attention. There are a set of 10-12 quiz questions for each individual topic within the module with varying types of question to engage different types of learners.

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Trainer Guide
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Trainer Guide

The Trainer Guide is designed to provide the trainer with the course notes and the unit of competency mapping. It also includes recommended activities and discussions to support the delivery of the module.  The Trainer Guide explains the recommended sequence of delivery of Interactive and Immersive VR including the lead ins to ensure information from the experience is achieved and lead outs of VR to ensure that information was viewed and experienced. The Trainer Guide also provided guided questions at the conclusion of each VR scenarios to ensure appropriate learning has taken place.  

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Lead out orange circle.png

Lead In 

Lead in orange circle.png

Lead Out 

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Student Guide
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Student Guide

The Student Guide provides a brief summary of the Module and the units of competency that will be covered. It also contains an overview of the resources that students will have access to in order to undertake the module. It identifies how many assessments will be undertaken.

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Lead In 

Lead Out 


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